Meet the Dream Team!

We help you to find three people you need to start a successful business with minimum effort! A Hacker, a Hipster, and a Hustler.
We bring 🍀 to teams

Founded is a made for talents, solo-entrepreneurs and startups.

Swipe to Find Talented People

Almost all of the products we use every day did not created by just one person. You need talented people with you to make things happen!
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Discover Founders Nearby

You want to build something but can't decide where to start? Join Founded to meet people like you.
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Meet, Match and Found Together

Find the right people for you. Talk about your ideas, goals, and dreams. If you are on the same page waste no time, start working together!
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Find Your Team Mates

Running a business alone is very hard to keep up. You need two more heroes to make your dreams happen!
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A Hacker is a person who can build digital products. They can bring any web or mobile app idea into reality.
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A Hipster is a person who can make products prettier and easy to use. They relate code, art and user needs.
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A Hustler who can sell products finds talents and partners, motivates teammates but never gives up.

Strong Base for Sustainable Growth

Unicorn Platform is a powerful website builder for startups, solo-entrepreneurs and hackers. Try it for free.
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Matchmaking for Early-stage Entrepreneurs

Founded is a matchmaking app for startups, solo-entrepreneurs and hackers. Try it for free.

Matchmaking for Early-stage Entrepreneurs

Founded is a matchmaking app that helps early-stage entrepreneurs to find the right teammates nearby and all around the world.

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